WeaveX 2.2: HeliX 2.0

LOCATION: B4 Barracks, red fort, delhi, INDIA
EVENT: India Art, Architecture & Design Biennale 2023
YEAR: 2023-24

Learning from traditional craftspersons who have been working with locally-sourced cane or rattan over decades, and marrying these techniques with computational design, as a part of our design research The Digital Vernacular. Newest in the WeaveX series of mathematical interpretations of traditional craft is HeliX, derived from a helicoid, a minimal, compound-curvature surface and complex geometry.

HeliX is created using straight cane members rotated at incremental angles between consecutive turns, tracing the curve of the helix to form near-intersecting and twisting “ghosted” surfaces, creating the illusion of curvature, like string art. Computational tools and generative AI have been applied in creative collaboration with skilled craftspersons with an intimate knowledge of the material and its treatment, resulting in a type of reciprocal system in which each member supports the others.

The latest iteration of the HeliX has been commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, for the very first India Art, Architecture & Design Biennale 2023, and permanently installed at the Red Fort.

Fabrication Partner: Bombay Cane Works
